Fetch Purchase Orders

Get the purchase orders available on the sales channel listing.

Basic Information

  • Method: GET
  • URI: /purchase_orders
  • Response Format: JSON


The following headers should be sent along with the request

  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: Your API Key


Below table list the request parameters which can be sent to Fetch Purchase Orders API to filter records.

{info} The request parameters should be sent as query parameters in the URL.

Parameter Type Required Description
per_page Number No How many records you want at a time
page Number No Page number used for pagination
purchase_order_id String No Purchase Order ID to fetch. Only the matched order will be returned in the response if you use this filter
reference_purchase_order_id String No Reference Purchase Order ID to fetch. Only the matched order will be returned in the response if you use this filter

Sample Request



Sample response is added here:

    "success": true,
    "message": "",
    "data": [
            "seller_name": "Ollkom Store",
            "hub_code": "ollkomHub",
            "purchase_order_id": "PO-OL1-13",
            "reference_purchase_order_id": "po-ref-1",
            "supplier_name": "Rg1",
            "type": "standard",
            "total_amount": 104,
            "currency": "SAR",
            "shipping": {},
            "item_number": 10,
            "remark": "Ritik",
            "created_at": "",
            "updated_at": ""
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "last_page": 1,
        "per_page": 20,
        "total": 1