
API End Points

Aymakan Fulfillment provides API end points for both Development and Production systems. For initial development and testing please use the development API end point.

Development API End Point URL


Production API End Point URL



Simple API key based authentication is used. You have to provide the API Key in the header of all the requests to access the API. The API key is permanent and it doesn't expires.

Headers: {
    "api-key" : "<your-api-key>"

Response Structure

Following HTTP codes are used in the response

  • 200 represents success
  • 500 represents server error
  • 400 represents an error from client side. In this case, the error message is available through the message field. For example:
    "success": false,
    "message": "The order_id you entered is already used",
    "data": null,
    "meta": null
  • 401 represents unauthorized. It means the access token or refresh token is expired
  • 422 represents validation errors. In this case you will receive the details about validation errors in the validation_errors field of the response. Following structure is used for the validation errors:
    "success": false,
    "message": "Validation Error",
    "data": null,
    "meta": null,
    "validation_errors": {
        "order_items": "The order items field is required."