Bulk AWB label printing API


This API provides an interface to print multiple AWB at once. This API requires a list of comma separated tracking numbers associated with a customer account. If all the tracking numbers are found for that associated account, this API returns a URL to download the pdf file for all AWB.

Request and Response

This API only accepts GET requests.

Development API End Point URL


Production API End Point URL


{info} It is important to note that the tracking numbers should be sent in command separated format as can be seen above.


The following headers should be sent along with the request

  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: Your account security code / Api Token


The request body should have only one parameter as details below.

  "tracking_codes": "123,124"


{warning} Shipments status must be 'AY-0001' (AWB created at origin), otherwise the AWB link will not be returned.

Success Response

Upon successful request, the following response will be sent back with an HTTP status 200 OK.

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "bulk_awb_url": "https://dev.aymakan.com.sa/pdf/generate/f05891c7-6f86-4e59-bd3f-4484a6321309"

{info} The bulk_awb_url will be full URL based on Development or Production environment you are using.

Error Response

In case of an error, the following response can be returned.

    "error": true,
    "message": "No shipments found",
    "errors": {
        "trackings": [

Also, an HTTP status of 422 Unprocessable Entity will be returned.

In case of invalid credentials 401 Unauthorized, the following response will be returned.

    "error": true,
    "response": "Invalid Credentials"