Aymakan provides API end points for both Development and Production systems. For initial development and testing please use the development API end point.
Aymakan API requires the following two headers.
Header | Possible Value | Description |
Accept | application/json | To get response in JSON format, this header should be passed with request with value application/json |
Authorization | String | The security code / API key is available in customer account area, and you can get it from the path customer account area -> Technical -> API . Without the API key, API access is not allowed |
{warning.fa-exclamation-triangle} To get a JSON response, it is required to pass
header withapplication/json
value. If this header is not passed, you may get response in HTML format.
Every user has a API Security Code. The security code should be always used in Authorization
request header to access the API.
To get your security code, login to your account, and then go to Integrations. There you will be find your API key. It is highly recommended to change API Key
after a while or if your API key is compromised.
{warning.fa-exclamation-triangle} if you regenerate the API key, you have to update it in your integration to access Aymakan API.
Aymakan API is using RESTFul Json webservices. All Api requests should be made in json and expect all responses in json. A successful response will return an HTTP 200 Success status message, while any error will return an appropriate HTTP status message.
For example, a json request body can be formed as below:
"requested_by": "aymakan-customer",
"collection_name": "Name of COllection",
Same as above request body, below is an example response.
"success": true,
"tracking_number": 123123,
{info} In case of a success response, a success element with value true will be also returned in the response. The respons element contains the actual data from the API request.