Ping API


This endpoint provides general information about the current API status, environment, and whether the user is logged in or not.

Request and Response

This API only accepts GET requests.

Development API End Point URL

Production API End Point URL


The following headers should be sent along with the request

  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: Your account security code / Api Token (optional)


Success Response

Upon successful request, the following response will be sent back with an HTTP status 200 OK.

    "status": "Healthy",
    "environment": "development",
    "logged_in": "Yes"

{info} The environment well be production for production API.

    "status": "Healthy",
    "environment": "production",
    "logged_in": "Yes"
Error Response

In case of a missing Authorization header or invalid/missing security code / Api Token the following response can be returned:

    "status": "Healthy",
    "environment": "production",
    "logged_in": "No"

{info} Make sure the Authorization header and the secret code / Api Token are entered correctly.