Time Slots


This API fetches all time slots available to current customer.

Request and Response

This API only accepts GET requests.

Development API End Point URL


Production API End Point URL



The following headers should be sent along with the request

  • Accept: application/json
  • Authorization: Your account security code / Api Token


Below table list the request parameters which can be sent to Create Reverse Pickup API.

Parameter Type Required Description
pickup_date String Yes Date format should be "Y-m-d"


Success Response

Upon successful request, the following response will be sent back with an HTTP status 200 OK.

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "date": "2021-12-23",
        "slots": {
            "afternoon": "After Noon (02 PM - 06 PM)",
            "evening": "Evening (06 PM - 09 PM)"
Error Response

The error below means that :

  • The date entered is a past date , you have to enter a future date.
  • The format of the date is invalid

    "error": true,
    "message": "Validation Error",
    "errors": {
        "pickup_date": [
            "The pickup date is not a valid date.",
            "The pickup date must be a date after or equal to today.",
            "The pickup date does not match the format Y-m-d."

    Also, an HTTP status of 422 Unprocessable Entity will be returned.

In case of invalid credentials 401 Unauthorized, the following response will be returned.

    "error": true,
    "response": "Invalid Credentials"